Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB)

Registration and confirmation

Registration must be made by email, fax, post or online at . Registrations are considered in the order of their receipt. The registration becomes legally binding through the confirmation of the organizer in writing or text form.

Course fees

The course fees, listed at courses include VAT. Despite of other printed or listed prices, the fees listed under at the time of booking, apply.

The participation fees for a purely online course and a course with a face-to-face event are identical, unless otherwise stated.

Terms of payment

Die Teilnahmegebühren sind ohne jeden Abzug nach Rechnungsstellung, innerhalb der angegebenen Frist, zu bezahlen. Die Teilnahmegebühren bitte erst nach Erhalt der Rechnung überweisen. Die Rechnungsstellung erfolgt elektronisch.

Rebooking or cancellation by the organizer

If an event is canceled due to illness of the speaker, force majeure or other circumstances for which the organizer is not responsible, there is no entitlement to the event. Likewise, there is no entitlement to a specific speaker or program item mentioned in the program if a speaker is prevented or the program has to be changed due to illness of the speaker, force majeure or other circumstances for which the organizer is not responsible.

In the case of a face-to-face event, the organizer reserves the right, instead of canceling, to rebook the participants to an online event that corresponds to the quality and knowledge transfer of the face-to-face event.

In the event of cancellation by the organizer, there is only the obligation to reimburse the participation fees already paid. A claim for reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs as well as loss of work is excluded.

Deregistration or rebooking by participants

Cancellations and changes to bookings must be made in writing or in text form. If you cancel up to 4 weeks before the start of the event, a cancellation fee of 69 EUR plus VAT will be charged. After this period or if the participant does not show up, the full participation fee will be charged. The post stamp or the receipt of the mail by the organizer is decisive. The rebooking to another event must also be made in writing up to 4 weeks before the start of the event. After that it is no longer possible to rebook.

Partial / daily withdrawal from an event as well as partial / daily (substitute) participation are not possible.

Hotel and arrival

The room booking must be made by the participant himself. Allotment rooms are reserved in the event hotel, which you can call up using the keyword provided when booking. Please contact the event hotel by phone or use the link sent in the registration confirmation email. There is no entitlement to these special conditions or free room contingents.


Die Veranstaltungsunterlagen bzw. die Folien aller Vorträge werden jedem Teilnehmer nach dem Kurs zur Verfügung gestellt. Hierzu erhalten Sie einen Link, mit dem Sie die Folien kostenfrei, mindestens einen Monat lang, herunterladen können.


All event documents - manuscripts, exercises, case studies and slides of the presentations and videos are protected by copyright. The rights to this lie exclusively with the Institute for Sleep Medicine. The participants are granted a simple, non-transferable right of use for personal use. Duplication, possibly digitization, publication, distribution or making available for download or any other use outside of the event - even if only in part - requires the prior, express and written consent of the Institute for Sleep Medicine.

Any copyright notices, marks or trademarks may not be removed.

Sound and image recordings of any kind are prohibited for all event formats of the BUB course (face-to-face or online). Online events may only be used by the registered participant.

The participant undertakes to protect the copyrights and to use the events individually for their own use only within the framework of the contractual agreement. Any abuse can be legally prosecuted.

Medical confidentiality

In den Kursen werden teils nicht-anonymisierte Patientenfotos, Videos und Patientenunterlagen verwendet. Die Patienten haben für diese Verwendung im Rahmen medizinischer Fortbildungen Ihr Einverständnis erteilt. Die Teilnehmer verpflichten sich, über diese und weitergehenden personen- oder patientenbezogene Daten, Stillschweigen zu bewahren, analog wie wenn Sie den Patienten selbst behandeln würden. Jeder Missbrauch kann rechtlich verfolgt werden.

Attendance certificates / certificates

Nach jedem Kurs erhält der Teilnehmer eine Teilnahmebescheinigung, sofern er das evtl. zugehörige eLearning (Telelernphase mit freier Zeiteinteilung) erfolgreich abgeschlossen hat und bei der Präsenzveranstaltung (vor Ort oder virtuell) nachweislich anwesend war. Je nach Veranstaltungsformat wird diese vor Ort ausgegeben oder digital zur Verfügung gestellt.

Privacy Policy

By registering, the participant agrees that his personal data will be electronically processed and stored by the organizer and / or the sponsors named under partners for the purpose of course processing and sending information. The organizer undertakes not to pass this data on to other third parties, unless the participant has expressly given his / her consent. In addition, you confirm that you have read and agreed to the data protection declaration of the Institute for Sleep Medicine. Datenschutzerklärung des Instituts für Schlafmedizin zur Kenntnis genommen und zugestimmt zu haben.

Right of withdrawal


The participant has the right to withdraw from this contract within fourteen days in accordance with Section 355 of the German Civil Code (BGB) without giving reasons. The revocation must be clearly explained. The revocation must be sent to the organizer Saskia Sommer MedicalServices, contact details: Fax +49 89 99954097 or email The cancellation period is fourteen days and begins on the day the contract is concluded. For the revocation, the participant can use the model of a revocation form (see below), but this is not mandatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for the participant to submit the withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.

Waiver of the right of withdrawal in the case of contracts concluded outside of business premises and distance contracts in accordance with Section 356 of the German Civil Code (BGB)

Durch Nutzung des eLearning-Angebots oder Teilnahme an einem Kurs vor Ablauf der gesetzlichen Widerrufs-Frist, stimmt der Teilnehmer ausdrücklich zu, dass der Unternehmer mit der Ausführung des Vertrags vor Ablauf der Widerrufsfrist beginnt, und bestätigt seine Kenntnis davon, dass er durch seine Zustimmung mit Beginn der Ausführung des Vertrags sein Widerrufsrecht verliert.

Once you have started using the information offered by the eLearning or participating in the course, you can no longer withdraw your consent.

Consequences of withdrawal

Widerruft ein Teilnehmer den Vertrag innerhalb der eingeräumten Widerrufsfrist, so hat der Veranstalter alle bereits getätigten Zahlungen des Kunden, die diesen Vertrag betreffen, spätestens binnen drei Wochen ab dem Tag zurückzuzahlen, an dem der schriftliche Widerruf beim Veranstalter eingegangen ist. Für die Rückzahlung verwendet der Veranstalter dasselbe Zahlungsmittel und denselben Zahlungsweg, die bei der ursprünglichen Transaktion eingesetzt wurden. Entgelte werden dem Teilnehmer auf Grund dieser Rückzahlung nicht berechnet.

Withdrawal form

(Wenn Sie den Vertrag widerrufen wollen, dann füllen Sie bitte dieses Formular aus und senden es zurück.)
Saskia Sommer MedicalServices
Münchner Str. 2
83043 Bad Aibling, Germany

Fax: +49 89 99954097

I hereby revoke the contract I have concluded for the provision of the following service: ____________________

Ordered on: ____________________

Customers' Name: ____________________

Customer address: ____________________

Signature of the customer

Date: ____________________

Note on courses according to the "Quality Assurance Agreement in accordance with Section 135 Paragraph 2 SGB V for the diagnosis and therapy of sleep-related breathing disorders" ("BUB courses")

If your aim is to settle item 30900, you must submit an application for admission to EBM item 30900 to your responsible "KV" within a short period of time (usually 12 months) after completing both parts of the course in order to receive the billing option.

Stand: 07/2024